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  1. S

    Growing Community

    I like to see how this community of SARMs lovers is growing. Seemingly more and more people are joining. And everyone seems nice! it's great!
  2. S

    LGD-4033 VS LGD-3303

    LGD-3303 is not such a popular SARM as LGD-4033 is, but it does seem to gain in popularity. If you want to know more about the differences - check it here. LGD4033 (Ligandrol) is a popular compound for bulking while LGD-3303 (Megabolic) seems to be a better option for cutting. Some people may...
  3. S

    How to Take SARMS?

    Check below how to correctly use SARMs. These are some dosing protocols I use, but doses can be adjusted as you want. Week 1-8 MK2866 (OSTARINE) 25 mg per day for first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the morning (might start at 50 mg/day if have enough experience)...