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  1. Care4Gainz

    Hours per week training

    Just interested in how many hours a week you guys are training. I'm training from Monday to Friday with Sat and Sun being my rest days. About 1h - 1h30m each training. So that would be 6-7 hours a week. How about you?
  2. Care4Gainz

    Classic Bulking SARMs

    I'm often getting asked which SARMs help you bulk up best. I've decided to make this post in an attempt to save everyone's time when searching for the best bulking SARMs. The two classic SARMs that have worked amazing for years now for such purposes are: 1. LGD4033 - Ligandrol 2. RAD140 -...
  3. Care4Gainz

    What's the first sarm you tried?

    Just interested in what's the very first SARM you used.
  4. Care4Gainz

    Everyone Wonders: Are SARMs Safe?

    SARMs are similar to steroids, we all know it. But we also know that they are not the same. Both bind to androgen receptors withinside your body and makes your muscles grow and makes them powerful. We also know that steroids carry side effects. especially those related to acne, hair loss...