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  1. L

    what are my options?

    what do you think are the best sarms in order to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time? i've learned that some sarms mostly help burn fat and do little to muscle gains. yet, lgd4033 for example, can help gain, but you may gain fat and water which I would like to avoid if possible.
  2. L

    changing sarms

    been on RAD140 for a while now. added only 5 lbs during the first 4 weeks of my bulking cycle. can i change it to LGD4033? or should i first end the 8 weeks cycle? or maybe I could change it and run it for 8 weeks? (first 4 weeks RAD and then 8 more weeks LGD?) thanks
  3. L

    Hello yall

    glad to be among you guys. I'm 24, started to use sarms a while ago Decided to join you