Recent content by powerman

  1. P

    MK677 Hunger

    That's what I read from multiple sources. I'm not but I really love the increase in HGH levels. Seems to come with a lot of benefits
  2. P


    Yeah, I've done some more extensive research where I found out that Cardarine could cause cancer if you use it for too long so I definitely want to avoid that. Will stop at 8 weeks.
  3. P

    Do i need pct?

    yeah, I've already learned that. Thanks a lot!
  4. P

    going for round 2

    Got it. Thanks. Will add Nolvadex if I notice some low T symptoms
  5. P

    Can i add a sarm mid-cycle?

    thanks man. I really appreciate that. As a matter of fact, that's why I registered this awesome forum!
  6. P

    MK677 Hunger

    thinking to add it to my next cycle. everyone says to run MK677 for longer periods because it takes longer to kick in the system. maybe I could use 25 mg/day for say 2-3 weeks as a kickstarter the reduce the dosage?
  7. P


    I will end my 8 week cycle with Cardarine and Stanabolic soon with the last 4 weeks of Ostarine. Theoretically I can continue using Cardarine as a PCT?
  8. P

    going for round 2

    thanks. so I just simply stop without adding anything or doing anything special?
  9. P

    Do i need pct?

    I guess I'm going to order now Nolvadex as I will soon stop taking Ostarine and everything else. But how do I understand if I need to use it? I really don't want to use anything unless I actually need it
  10. P

    Can i add a sarm mid-cycle?

    I understand that. thanks guys. I've been watching out for my diet lately as I never did before and I added Ostarine right before New Year and the results I get are amazing. I've never had this muscle definition as I have now. i know there's still a lot for me to work, but the results are...
  11. P

    new on this forum

    hello, I'm also new here :) ever used sarms before?
  12. P

    MK677 Hunger

    i also heard that it can make you eat everything that stands in your way and yet i've heard that it can burn fat. lol. not sure but i just would want to get some responses about it too.
  13. P

    going for round 2

    thanks @Broren21 you're an awesome guy. it seems you're responding to all my posts. I will add Ostarine to my cycle. will use a low dosage for 4 weeks. Will I still need PCT? I read everywhere that it's mildly suppressive
  14. P

    Do i need pct?

    thanks. but if i use a mild dosage of Ostarine for only 4 weeks? would I still need it? i read everywhere that it's mildly suppressive
  15. P

    Can i add a sarm mid-cycle?

    I'm 4 weeks into cycle. Tomorrow will add Ostarine. I always see that I should go for a cycle of 8 weeks. So, for the next 4 weeks will add Ostarine to my cycle of Stenabolic and Cardarien and see how it goes. So far I do love the results, but who wouldn't love even more? thanks for your responses