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  1. RedRid

    asking about sources

    i used two sources from that list, both good
  2. RedRid

    how to dose sr9009 and rad140?

    yeah, mk677 is a better option than sr9009 for bulking, mostly because of its HGH increase part and hunger boost
  3. RedRid

    what are my options?

    i often use rad140 for my cutting goals!
  4. RedRid

    hello again

    rad and mk677, but gw501516 instead of lgd4033
  5. RedRid

    next sarms stack

    not sure, the highest i've seen recommended is 30 mg/day. maybe someone can tolerate that high dosage, but i doubt it is for everyone
  6. RedRid

    next sarms stack

    50 mg/day of Ostarine seems like a way too high dosage, even 25 is pretty big
  7. RedRid

    what are my options?

    exactly what I wanted to say. although RAD140 is a great stuff for both lean muscle mass and fat burn, you still need to check out for your diet and workout plan
  8. RedRid

    how to dose sr9009 and rad140?

    agree with this. but this may be a too high dosage. could start with 10 mg/day. and i tend to take it in the evening (I train in the evening, so i take it about one hour befor working out).
  9. RedRid

    hello again

    welcome. similar here. what do you plan to use?
  10. RedRid

    Do i need pct?

    check low testosterone symptoms online. if you have some of them, chances are you need PCT
  11. RedRid

    What do you guys think?

    Yeah, I did S4, Ostarine, Cardarine and LGD. Never did the rest. Can't really say that I have issues getting enough calories. I know that you're asking this because MK677 can do it (i've learned online) but I want its other HGH increase benefits
  12. RedRid

    Classic Bulking SARMs

    there's no such thing as "too big", ain't it right? :D
  13. RedRid

    What do you guys think?

    In my bulking cycle with RAD140 and LGD4033 with Cardarine for extra fat loss and cardio resistance. Thinking to add MK677. Thoughts?
  14. RedRid

    looking for a non suppressive sarms stack

    agree with Careforgains. we need more info. for example, if you're searching to bulk up, non suppressive compounds may not be as helpful
  15. RedRid

    MK677 Hunger

    didn't really knew that MK677 will increase hunger. That's something that I could definitely benefit from. thanks
  16. RedRid

    Classic Bulking SARMs

    Assuming that it's off season, most people are running bulking cycles now? with bulking SARMs? I'm on bulking cycle myself so I run both those compounds + anotehr stuff
  17. RedRid

    cutting vs bulking while using sarms

    that's really strange. it does get better over time. or at least, should be getting
  18. RedRid

    post cycle therapy for SARMS

    it usually happens after 8 weeks. But it greatly depends on the dosage and the type of sarms you're on
  19. RedRid

    How to Take SARMS?

    awesome. congrats. that's why we actually use sarms for.
  20. RedRid

    s4 & gw

    great! are you searching for a bulking or a cutting plan?