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  1. N


    thanks for the reminder. I am thinking to start my next bulking cycle so i guess it's time for me to have it
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    you think lgd4033 with gw501516 will offer decent gains?

    glad it worked out awesome for you. also glad that you've had quality gains you were searching for. A combination of great diet + Cardarine kept away the water retention from Ligandrol and I can assume that's how you managed to maintain all the gains. Plus, it seems the LGD dosage wasn't too high.
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    GW+MK2866 or GW+SR9009

    GW+MK for muscle GW+SR for endurance
  4. N

    sarms stack for a big guy

    i personally had stenabolic with ostarine and ibutamoren and had great results. i think you would benefit from it too considering your stats
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    growing muscles and burning fat

    i was aiming to lose fat and i did notice i gained a few lbs of muscle mass. i'm quite sure it is thanks to sarms i was running
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    ever got some nasty side effects?

    it was a side effect for me the fact that Ibutamoren was increasing my hunger while i was trying to cut Ibutamoren, Ostarine and Stenablic. Other than that, I had no side effects.
  7. N

    Hi from CA

    also from California, welcome
  8. N

    post cycle therapy for SARMS

    that's what i was on. Stenabolic and Ostarine for 8 weeks. Ibutamoren until PCT ends (11-12 weeks). no need for anything else
  9. N

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    due to different half lives right? as well as your workout schedule, sleeping schedule isn't it? I know that ibutamoren is best before bed. on the other hand, taking ostarine before a workout can help fuel up your workout, isn't it?
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    New member

    couldn't agree more @Maloon
  11. N

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    agree here, maybe you should try pills. maybe slower absorption wouldn't cause stomach issues. as far as i know, pills have slower absorption rate than sublingual liquids? correct me if I'm wrong
  12. N

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    congrats my friend with seemingly awesome results. Yah, mk677 can be a great addition to all of it. increased growth hormone actually does wonders. may help lose fat around belly and gain muscles. great stuff
  13. N

    New member

    congrats my friend. great you have such a good experience with them. waiting for before/after photos :)
  14. N

    Hey guys

    hi & welcome
  15. N

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    yes, be sure about that. lots of people can prove it!
  16. N

    New member

    that's what I was talking about true my man
  17. N

    SARMS Trade / Brand Names

    thanks guys. @Maloon I might actually do that a bit later as it sounds like a great idea to be honest
  18. N

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    yes yes, yes! This is my very first cycle and the one that made me fell in love with SARMs, they are working like pure magic for me. ostarine and cardarine stack both at 10 mg a day made me realize how much i was losing by not using them earlier. I started a year ago but i heard about sarms...
  19. N

    Best SARMS

    cardarine and ostarine was my first stack. the one that made me LOVE SARMS!
  20. N

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    empty stomach for maximum absorption. don't want to waste money.