Recent content by jasonmiller22

  1. J

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    Just 25mg per day ostarine and 25mg mk677. I like the balance of one watery compound and one dry one and these both are easy on the joints.
  2. J

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    It seems like I can handle 1/2ml of pretty much any product in PEG400 on an empty stomach and this was my experience before sports technology labs as well. I can do 1.5ml with no issues (stacking products) with food.
  3. J

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    In my experience sometimes I get diarrhea when using them on an empty stomach. I'm not sure if that's the product itself or the solvent. I like first thing in the morning with breakfast a little before the gym. Seems to work best and not give me any GI issues.
  4. J

    Hey guys

    I liked sports technology the most out of the three, they are the only one that's still around and I got my order from them fast. I tried cardarine and ostarine from all three of them and SR9009 from just rats and sports technology. Results were good, visible fat loss and muscles and veins...
  5. J

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    A LOT of sweating during training and a big boost to endurance, generally looking tightened up and more muscular all over and more upper body veins. My weight stayed the same. I get dehydrated faster on this stack but it makes sense with all of the sweating. I definitely feel like I am "on"...
  6. J

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    I'm enjoying that stack a lot with SR9009 right now. It's working well for both performance and looks.
  7. J

    Hey guys

    New to this site but I've been using sarms for a while and have tried proven peptides, rats army, and sports technology labs