Recent content by NowGow

  1. N


    thanks for the reminder. I am thinking to start my next bulking cycle so i guess it's time for me to have it
  2. N

    you think lgd4033 with gw501516 will offer decent gains?

    glad it worked out awesome for you. also glad that you've had quality gains you were searching for. A combination of great diet + Cardarine kept away the water retention from Ligandrol and I can assume that's how you managed to maintain all the gains. Plus, it seems the LGD dosage wasn't too high.
  3. N

    GW+MK2866 or GW+SR9009

    GW+MK for muscle GW+SR for endurance
  4. N

    sarms stack for a big guy

    i personally had stenabolic with ostarine and ibutamoren and had great results. i think you would benefit from it too considering your stats
  5. N

    growing muscles and burning fat

    i was aiming to lose fat and i did notice i gained a few lbs of muscle mass. i'm quite sure it is thanks to sarms i was running
  6. N

    ever got some nasty side effects?

    it was a side effect for me the fact that Ibutamoren was increasing my hunger while i was trying to cut Ibutamoren, Ostarine and Stenablic. Other than that, I had no side effects.
  7. N

    Hi from CA

    also from California, welcome
  8. N

    post cycle therapy for SARMS

    that's what i was on. Stenabolic and Ostarine for 8 weeks. Ibutamoren until PCT ends (11-12 weeks). no need for anything else
  9. N

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    due to different half lives right? as well as your workout schedule, sleeping schedule isn't it? I know that ibutamoren is best before bed. on the other hand, taking ostarine before a workout can help fuel up your workout, isn't it?
  10. N

    New member

    couldn't agree more @Maloon
  11. N

    Use on full or empty stomach?

    agree here, maybe you should try pills. maybe slower absorption wouldn't cause stomach issues. as far as i know, pills have slower absorption rate than sublingual liquids? correct me if I'm wrong
  12. N

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    congrats my friend with seemingly awesome results. Yah, mk677 can be a great addition to all of it. increased growth hormone actually does wonders. may help lose fat around belly and gain muscles. great stuff
  13. N

    New member

    congrats my friend. great you have such a good experience with them. waiting for before/after photos :)
  14. N

    Hey guys

    hi & welcome
  15. N

    Ostarine and Cardarine stack - best cutting cycle?

    yes, be sure about that. lots of people can prove it!