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We’ve been researching for information about and although at first glance it seems like this is a good SARMs store – doing a bit of research about it and browsing through their site a little bit, is clear to see that there’s something heavily wrong with their website.

First of all, the site misses a lot of information and is clear to see they are something like a “beta” version.

The items they claim to sell do not match with what they seem to offer. For example, LGD-4033 is called this way on the pack (image of product) but they call it BP Anabolic Stack.


Theirs is also information suggesting they have Oral Anabolics, Injectable Anabolics etc. yet there are only SARMs and they are, again, strangely displayed.

They do seem to offer some information about SARMs but as everything else on this site – is super strange.

What’s even worse – everywhere on their website you would find strange message in strange language. This message is displayed in answers on FAQ page; About Us; Signup For Newsletter and so on and so forth. The message states:

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean id convallis tellus. Nulla aliquam in mi et convallis. Pellentesque rutrum feugiat ante ut imperdiet. Vivamus et dolor nec nisl consectetur vulputate id non ante.”


We’ve tried to see if you can buy anything from and it looks like they are not yet selling because on the checkout page you get:

“Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.”

And this message is displayed regardless of what state/ country you choose.


It looks like this is a former site, which we know it used to be a good SARMs store, but know is gone, unfortunately.

Do not confuse it with which doesn’t seem to start the selling process of SARMs and they seem to be in the “beta version” of site.

If there is going to be any updates and this site is going to start selling and they would arrange everything, instead of seeing such messages:


We, at would come back and update this section and write an honest review about this source.

Until that moment, there’s nothing we can review so far and write about.

Yet, we know that you may still search for a perfect SARMs vendor and that’s why we recommend you to check the top rated SARMs stores here where you’re having high chances to find whatever you’re looking for. Reviews

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