- Please be aware that SarmsReviews.to is an independent and informational website only. We are not affiliated with SARMS.to in any way. We just try to write an honest review about this SARMs supplier.As much as it seems,

SARMS.to is an online website and SARMs vendor carrying various different brands of SARMs. According to the information we managed to find, this source has been serving customers since 2017 with honesty, which we hope is true. They claim that SARMS.to was born as a result of the owners of this site, noticing there are lots of scam SARMS sources. So, they try to create a site SARMs supplier with a wide variety of products where it is safe to buy. As a result, they offer the most reputable SARMs, perfect for research purposes. They claim to help customers with everything they can, from a simple site design to the best quality SARMs and great prices. In the end, the vendor claims they are a leading SARMs store when it comes to quality, availability, prices, and delivery. We have analyzed information about SARMS.to and we can say that there are actually some advantages. For example, we could find that their products come with third party lab test results. Moreover, they offer some really good prices for SARMs and there are a lot of different SARMs and other products to choose from. Also, it seems like customers can buy SARMs for sale all over the world too. Nonetheless, we found some negative aspects too. For example, we found out that they do not offer free reshipping in specific countries. They claim that those countries have rough customs. Moreover, there are not a lot of customer reviews online, although we did find some and at least, they are positive. Lastly, we are not very sure if they have a return policy.
SARMS.to Advantages
- A wide variety of products. Lots of SARMs from different brands and other products too
- Some really good prices for SARMs
- Up-to-date third party lab tests indicating top-quality SARMs
SARMS.to Disadvantages
- Some countries do not have free reship
- Not sure if they offer a return policy as we couldn’t find this information
- One way to get in touch with customer support

I’ve been navigating SARMS.to for a while and I couldn’t find anything that can put your personal computer, smartphone, or tablet in danger. That’s because there are no viruses, dangerous links, or anything in this matter. The sensitive personal information on this site seems to be all safe. Moreover, they do seem to feature all the important links such as contact information, about us, shipping, FAQ page, and others. All of this combined with the fact that the reload speed of the pages on this site is really fast – we can say that overall website usability is great. Potential customers can place an order really quickly and safely. Everything is easy to navigate and understand.

We’ve checked all the information and followed the steps of placing an order. In conclusion – you can place an order extremely fast.
- Odin Pharmaceutical
- Spectre Labs
- Natural Sarms
- Deus MedicalYou can find the SARMs very easily with various different SARMs present on their site. Moreover, they also seem to offer products for PCT and Estrogen control, different research chemicals, research peptides including blend research peptides as well as SARMs stacks and combos too.

This makes it an awesome site when it comes to the availability of products. Customers have a very high chance to find whatever they are looking for in a single place. In our opinion, that’s important because, if SARMS.to turns out to be reliable and you love – you’ll find everything you need here. So, you can find many different products except for SARMs like:
- Anastrozole
- Clomiphene
- Tamoxifen
- Exemestane
- Tadalafil
- Sildenafil
- Clenbuterol
- Dutasteride
- Arimistane
- And many others

- YK-11 For Sale
- GW501516 Cardarine For Sale
- S23 For Sale
- MK-2866 Ostarine For Sale
- RAD140 Testolone For Sale
- S4 Andarine For Sale
- MK-677 Ibutamoren For Sale
- SR9009 Stenabolic For Sale
- LGD4033 Ligandrol For SaleMoreover, since they work with a variety of different brands – you can choose a single SARM from different brands. You can also buy SARMs stack and combos. As they claim, they are cheaper.

So, it seems like each brand of SARMs at SARMS.to has a different price and amount. We’re going to share the prices for the most convenient ones, of course.
- So, as we can see, the price for Cardarine, for example, is $84,99 for 90 tablets x 10 mg. It means you would pay that price for a total of 900 mg of GW501516. Honestly – that’s a really good price. One of the best prices compared to other sources. While others might offer lower prices, don’t forget to take into consideration the entire SARM amount!
- Another example is LGD4033 Ligandrol, which has the exact same amount of capsules, same concentration per capsule, and even the same price.
- One more example – Ostarine MK2866 is also going to cost you 84,99 USD and is also offering 90 tablets per bottle. But it offers 15 mg per tablet. So, you’re going to receive a total of 1350 mg of Ostarine for $84,99.

In order to have trust in a vendor, you need to check those tests and make sure of 2 things:
- Tests are up to date. So you can be sure that the tests weren’t conducted years ago
- Tests are conducted by third party laboratories. This way you can be sure that the tests are trustworthy.We’ve been searching for those tests and luckily, we found them. As much as it seems, SARMs come alongside Certificate of Analysis (COAs) proving the high quality of products. Each product comes with its own COA individually. That’s exactly what we need to make sure the quality of SARMs is high!

We think that’s enough for potential customers to find whatever payment method suits up best for their needs. Unfortunately, they do not seem to accept credit cards, but it seems like lately, it’s harder and harder for SARMs suppliers to accept credit cards because of the nature of the chemicals they sell. I wouldn’t be surprised if soon enough, no SARMs supplier would be able to accept credit cards. Although, I hope not.

We’ve been trying to find customer reviews about this vendor anywhere else online. Unfortunately, searching in google “SARMS.to reviews” doesn’t reveal too many results about this SARMs supplier. We can assume that it’s because the term “sarms” .to is simply too common. All we found are testimonials on their page. Bob and John seem to be happy customers of this supplier. Other than that, the only reviews about this vendor are here on SarmsReviews.to. Unfortunately, there are still not too many reviews, but at the very least, as much as it looks like, they are positive.

- PS: As said, SARMS.to attracted our attention because it’s a source that gained a few reviews directly on our site. Nonetheless, it’s not enough to make a “bulletproof” conclusion because there are still not enough reviews, despite them being positive. So, if you ever used SARMS.to, please leave a review about this store here.