Review Detail

SARMS & Peptides Stores A admin November 28, 2020 9567
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Everything was almost perfect minus the fact that I had some minor issues with their payment. However, the customer support team has gently helped me in dealing with them. Thanks to easy ordering process and customer support.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

I waited a total of 6 business days from the very beginning until I received the parcel. Pretty good to my opinion.

Products Ordered

Got liquid sarms solution as:
Cardarine GW-501516
Andarine S-4

Product Effects

I have ordered from them and received mid January. I started to use both compounds same day in combination in attempt to get stronger, leaner, drier and muscular. I gradually increased the dosage of both compounds. Started Andarine 25 mg a day, Cardarine 10 mg a day.
After first 4 weeks of use and saw high effectiveness (but due to great respond of my body without side effects) I doubled the dosage of each compound – Andarine 50 mg a day and Cardarine 20 mg a day last week. One week later and I’m going even better.
I received what I expected. I gained weight whilst doing cardio, training and dieting, yet I am looking much muscular. Is easy to see my body fat percentage decreased and muscular mass increased. Great products.


All in all, this sarms store is doing a great job to my opinion. Good products, good source. Minor issues. maybe there’s my fault in some of them too. Go for it.

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