Review Detail

SARMS & Peptides Stores A admin April 09, 2021 6885
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

customer support wasn't too friendly when i asked questions.
ordering process is fairly good, but they are running short of sarms. i ordered only because i saw some good reviews, but they don't have all sarms i wanted.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

deliver took 2 weeks which is way more than i expected. packaging alright.

Products Ordered

as said, they are running short of sarms. I ordered ligandrol but i also wanted ibutamoren and cardarine which they don't offer.

Product Effects

quality of their ligandrol is pretty good. dosed as expected and effects as expected too.
i did had some results as i lost some extra lbs without losing muscles, but that's in combination with hard-to-keep diet and extenous training


below is the question: do you recommend this supplier? and i said i do because i can't say i partially do. I can't recommend against since i did received my order. however, there's a lot i am not very happy with - high prices to my opinion, slow delivery, low supplies of products, unfriedly customer support and not sure if 100% quality product.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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