Review Detail

Sarm.Tech Hot
SARMS & Peptides Stores S sarmtech November 28, 2020 18007
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Not sure how their customer support is because I haven't discussed it with them. LOL. everything went smoothly so I have not asked them anything. I paid with BTC to save money (due to their -20% off). Went smoothly.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Ordered it about a month ago. In 3 days I received my package as promised. Professional packaging. Nothing missing or damaged. Great service

Products Ordered

RAD-14 Stack. It contains everything needed + extra discount. I realized it is a risk to order lots of products for the first time. But I saw lots of good reviews here. In addition to that, I got discounts from both the stack and the BTC payment so I did save quite a lot.

Product Effects

I'm using their products for about a month now. I still have left many pills and I already see how benefits. My strength levels got way higher and I can definitely see the body definition.
(Not for human consumption - just for research, LOL).


Great vendor I can recommend. No probs at all. From the moment I entered their website all the way up to using their products for about a month - everything was smooth.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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