Review Detail

Sarm.Tech Hot
SARMS & Peptides Stores S sarmtech November 28, 2020 18014
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

There was no need to ask any questions that's why - I am clueless about how is the Customer Support. Nevertheless, taken in consideration I had amazing experience both times I ordered from SARM TECH I can assume Customer Support is great too.
Ordering Process is as easy as it can possibly be. Pay with Credit Card if you wish, I personally use Bitcoin and I even got 20% off my order for payments with BTC! Their whole website and entire company is amazing!

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

I couldn't believe my order arrived 2 days after I placed it. Both times. When I've seen the delivery within 2 days I realized this is the company I am going to use forward. Tried second time - same experience. These guys knows how to make a customer happy with a great and fast delivery. No doubts they ship the products same day which is very professionally.
Same applies to packaging. I love their packaging, their branding etc.

Products Ordered

First time I ordered 2 bottles of Ligandrol and one of Stenabolic.
Second time I ordered 2 bottles of Ligandrol and 2 bottles of Testolone.

Product Effects

Amazing quality. The gains keep in going further and further. I am much stronger, I can feel it and I can show it. I am performing much better, much longer with more weight. I can see a difference in the way I look and in the way I feel. Needless to mention there's a huge difference in the gym. It all hugely started thanks to SARMs from SARM.TECH as I didn't changed anything else such as diet or workout routine.
Gained 10 lbs during a cycle, maximum lifts increased by about 7%.
Obviously the quality of the products is amazing. Doses and effects are great for each capsule (and by the way, I do love the fact they offer SARMs specifically in capsules).


I am recommending to absolutely everyone who is searching for a SARMs vendor that is offering amazing compounds. I had great experience both times I ordered from them (one time in 2020 and the second one I received my products 4 weeks ago). I recommend the source as I know the frustration of searching for SARMs that are not overpriced, worth your money and attention.
Hopefully this review is going to help someone and hopefully everyone else will have same high-level of pleasant experience with Sarm Tech.

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