Review Detail

Sarm.Tech Hot
SARMS & Peptides Stores S sarmtech November 28, 2020 18008
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

I had a few questions about their products and their customer support answered the questions promptly and professionaly. Same can be said about ordering process that was professional, fast, effortlessly and overall great.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Both delivery and packaging was as promised. 3 days and I got my SARMs pills that were all there, discreetly packaged, delivered to my door, without any issues. I forgot to take pics of how they look like as I got my delivery 7 weeks ago (I'm 6 weeks into SARMs cycle). Maybe on next order.

Products Ordered

RAD-140 Testolone
GW-501516 Cardarine

Product Effects

I have ordered SARMs in order to increase muscular mass and maybe get rid of a bit of body fat. Some increase in strength was also expectable. Taken in consideration that the SARMs pills offered the expected results - I can say that the quality of products from SARM TECH is great. Maybe not perfect, but definitely great.


I can recommend this supplier SARM TECH for their professional service and good products for really good prices. I especially love the fact that they are one of few vendors offering SARMs as pills.

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