Review Detail

Sarm.Tech Hot
SARMS & Peptides Stores S sarmtech November 28, 2020 17030
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

overall great! friendly customer support team that answer questions fast.
ordering process perfect

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

perfect. received SARMs on time, packaging professionally, no items were missing or damaged, package was unopened and properly sealed. perfect overall

Products Ordered

I guess I ordered all their SARMs. First I went for bulking SARMs (small order), then for a larger bulking order (many differet bulking SARMs) then for lots of cutting / maintenance SARMs.

Product Effects

If you have a proper lifestyle (workout 3-4x times a week) and good diet (depending on either you bulk up or cut down) - the addition of SARM TECH SARMs would work wonders. They offer amazing compounds that greatly help you achieve your goals in terms of boosted strength, gained muscle mass and maintain muscles when you are shredding fat.
Obviously that's thanks to diet and workout, but I can feel that with the addition of these SARMs, I reached my goals (and still aiming for some) way faster and easier.


I can only say positive words about Sarm Tech taken in consideration that they have amazing service and amazing SARMS overall. No wonder they are among the top. The prices, branding, delivery times, customer support team and overall service is all perfect. If you don't know where to buy your SARMs from - go for sarm tech, you are going to love it.

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