Review Detail

SARMS & Peptides Stores A admin November 28, 2020 3253
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer support team was nice. They answered my questions when I asked about my parcel that was extremely late.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

These guys said that my parcel was delayed due to postal service issues. The delivery was extremely slow as it took it almost a month to reach my door. I was afraid I got scammed. The only thing that kept me sane is the fact that those guys kept answering my emails.

Products Ordered

RAD 140
YK 11
GW 501516

Product Effects

I think their products are good despite the fact that I expected them to be worthless (or is because I already waited for them for way too long?)
Nonetheless, I did felt them working with spike in strength and energy.
1 hour in the gym made me way tired before using those sarms.
with their sarms, 1 hour in the gym wasn't as hard anymore.


I recommend sarms for sale as long as they would ensure faster shipping. Everything else seems pretty fine. I hope my next order would come in faster.

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