Review Detail

SARMS & Peptides Stores A admin November 28, 2020 6790
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating

Customer Support & Ordering Process

at first they responded, when i explained that i have doubts in their products quality, customer support wasn't as responsive anymore

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

received package without problems

Products Ordered

bulking sarms ordered like testolone and others
also got male enhancing pills like tadalafil
pct products too like tamoxifen

Product Effects

i noticed the prices are a bit higher compared to other source but i was ready to pay the extra price for quality products and capsules form of compounds. i waited to receive them more than expected but still fine. i started using them and after 2 weeks of no big difference i realized something is wrong. i contacted customer support and i didn't got much help. used the products for 8 weeks with results that i could well achieve without their products. so i spent extra money for nothing. i didn't even needed pct, yet i still used tamo without too much help.
i also used male enhancing without too much help either.


paid extra money for products that are either low quality or not helpful at all. i feel as if i paid money for little to no help. either is me who responds this way, either their products are low quality.

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